Sweat It All Out! Indian Swedana At Home Plus Bonus Face Toner

We’ve all been there. You go out one night, you have just a bit too much to drink, just a bit too much potato chips and popcorn, and you finish the night off with just a bit too much of kebab with french fries. And the next day you wake up, and you don’t feel sick necessarily, just… impure. Your nose is clogged, your pores are clogged and everything is red and swollen. You might have done or said some things that makes you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Back home in Finland, my treatment for this would be to go to sauna and just sweat it all out. Unfortunately, saunas are not as common here in the adjacent country. But it’s actually possible to create almost the same effect at home, and all you need is a some hot liquid and a sheet.

This procedure is an Indian ayurvedic treatment called swedana that is supposed to rid you of toxins in your body by sweating. And I can assure you that you do feel a lot better afterwards, not to mention that you will have glowing skin! Doing a swedana, or just making a simpler facial steam, is also great to do before applying a face mask, as it will open and clean your pores and make the face mask more effective.
This is a recipes inspired by Lisen Sundgren from her book Lisens indiska spa.
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Exotik för hud och hår

This is a review about a Swedish book in Swedish. Originally published on arbetarbladet.fi

Få tar hand om sitt utseende så som indiska kvinnor gör. Traditionerna, tusentals år gamla, lever fortfarande starka och man förstår att dra nytta av de växter och kryddor som förskönar. Redan i de indiska mataffärerna på Tavastgatan i Hagnäs märks det här – ofta finner man hela hyllor fyllda med oljor och krämer för hår och hud, innehållande både mera bekanta ingredienser (jasmin, senapsfrön) och mindre så (amla, harithake).

Det är den indiska hudvårdstraditionen, och mer specifikt ayurveda-traditionen, som har inspirerat Lisen Sundgren när hon i sin nya receptbok Lisens indiska spa ger tips på hur man tar hand om .  Ayurveda, som är sanskrit för “kunskap om livet”, är en urgammal indisk tradition inom läkemedel och hälsa, och praktiseras fortfarande aktivt runt om i världen. Continue reading “Exotik för hud och hår”

Swedish Indian spa

What really got me in to experimenting with homemade skin care products was a book called “Lisens örtspa” (Prisma, 2008) by Lisen Sundgren. The title means “Lisen’s Herbal Spa”, but unfortunately it hasn’t been translated yet (you can find it in finnish though, entitled “Ihana kotikylpylä”). Just a few weeks back, Lisen released her second book – “Lisens indiska spa” (Prisma, 2010), that includes homemade … Continue reading Swedish Indian spa

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